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Home from Home at the Historic Devuli Head Quarters


Updated: May 24, 2022

Devuli Ranch was once the largest cattle ranch in the world. It was pioneered by two brothers, Lucas and Despard Bridges, after the first World War. The two brothers, with the help of their cousin set about the very tough job of taming the wild African bush and setting up a massive cattle ranching enterprise.

Despite their impressive success in this regard, the tough South East Lowveld with its endemic drought cycle, prevented true longevity of the project. Less than a century later, after a truly epic drought, Devuli was sold in lots and it is those lots the make up most of the Northern part of the Save Valley Conservancy.

The headquarters area of Devuli sits centrally on Chishakwe and the houses which once housed the managers of the huge ranch have been sensitively renovated to retain the original Devuli ambience. Sturdily and practically built (though maybe a bit rambly due to successive farm built renovations over the years), with cool cement floors and verandas to shade the interior rooms. Tin rooves reflect heat and amplify the drumming of the rain on wet nights. The houses are not grand but they are comfortable ... and packed with character. They are set up with everything you need to make yourself at home and children are most welcome. They provide the perfect location for a gathering of the clans or a get together of friends, just as they did for many years before on Devuli Ranch.

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